About Us

Y-LOT Foundation is a nonprofit foundation in the realms of science and technology. We are registered as a charitable organization under section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance of HKSAR (IR# 91/14991). Y-LOT stands for ‘Youths. Love. Opportunities. Technology.’.

Y-LOT Foundation 是獲香港特區政府認可註冊,專注於創科研領域的非營利機構(IR# 91/14991)。「Y-LOT」代表「Youths. Love. Opportunities. Technology.」

Vision and Mission

Y-LOT focuses on advancing Frontier Future Innovation including Artificial Intelligence (AI), Quantum, Aerospace Technology, New Sustainable Energy, etc. We thereby introduce the “Sandbox Fund” pioneering concept to help young scientists and early-stage startups through funding support, mentorship programmes, and networking opportunities, facilitating scientific projects to achieve technology transfer and inspire young talents to enhance their upward social mobility.

Furthermore, Y-LOT places significant emphasis on improving STEAM education among youth, particularly those from underserved backgrounds. We nurture the budding interests of young I&T individuals, thereby cultivating prospective talents for the national innovation and technology landscape. 

Let’s join hands together to utilize the power of science and technology (SciTech) that brings disruptive solutions meeting the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Make It Happen! 

Y-LOT 致力於推動前沿科技的研發,包括人工智能(AI)、量子科技、航空航天技術、可持續新能源等。為此,我們開拓性的引用「沙盒」先鋒概念,透過資金支援、導師計劃和應用場景推薦,助力年青科學家和初創團隊實現創科研項目技術轉移,亦為年青人才締造向上流動的機會。



Make It Happen!

Andy FEI Chi En

Founder & Chairman of Y-LOT Foundation
Member of the Court, HKUST

Message from Founder & CHAIRMAN

Technology drives economic development. Science drives social development. We need to equip scientists and innovators with adequate resources so they can keep breaking through.

A lot of people take technological and social progress for granted. These advancements, however, don’t happen overnight. Instead, lots of brains have been contributing relentlessly and silently behind these developments. Unfortunately, these efforts are often overlooked.

We aim at making knowledge of SciTech more accessible and approachable to everyone. With better knowledge, we all will aspire to have a brighter future. I wish us all a brand new page soon coming with all these technological advancements!


WhatsApp Image 2022-04-01 at 5.55.18 PM

In December 2020, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) established the HK$20M ‘Fei Chi En Education and Research Fund’ to promote the future development of SciTech and its education, such as advanced materials research, aerospace and automotives projects, biomedical research and procurement of related facilities. 

“Fei Chi En Dream Team Open Lab” of HKUST lets students and teams across disciplines work together to turn their SciTech ideas into projects or prototypes for international competitions.

“Y-LOT Foundation Scholarship”

In 2021, Y-LOT set up a HK$2 million scholarship to The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) to reward students with outstanding academic achievements and encourage them to strive for excellence.

We are pleased to announce that 20 outstanding students of HKUST were awarded for the “Y-LOT Foundation Scholarship” in academic year 2022 – 2023. 

Advisory Committee

Dr. the Honourable
KO Wing-man, GBS, JP

Non-official Member of the Executive Council

Fellow of the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine

Former Secretary for Food and Health of HKSAR

Dr. George LAM, BBS, JP

Chair of United Nations ESCAP Sustainable Business Network

Former Chairman of Hong Kong Cyberport Management Company Limited

Prof. QIN Dahe

Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences

Former Administrator of the China Meteorological Administration

Winner of the Volvo Environment Prize

Prof. ZHANG Jianhua

Chair Professor of Department of Biology, HKBU

Mr. Peter CHAN

Assurance Partner and TMT Assurance Leader, Ernst & Young, Hong Kong

Mr. Michael HO

Head of Business Development, Wholesale Business, Asia, HSBC Global Asset Management (Hong Kong) Limited

Mr. Charles CHAU

Founder and Principal, C.C. Chau & Co.

Ms. Justina CHIU

Chief Executive Officer, ARA Asset Management (Fortune) Limited

Prof. XIE Ting

The Head and Chair Professor of Division of Life Science, HKUST

Prof. QIAN Peiyuan

Chair Professor of Division of Life Science, HKUST

Prof. XU Jiang

Acting Head of Microelectronics Thrust, Function Hub, HKUST (Guangzhou)

Prof. WU Enboa

Former Associate Vice-President for Knowledge Transfer, HKUST

Dr. Ricky CHIU

Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, PHASE Scientific International Limited

Dr. Charleston SIN

Director, Hong Kong Cyberport Management Company Limited

Former Executive Director, MIT Hong Kong Innovation Node

Mrs. Yvonne LAW, BBS, JP

Member of the Hong Kong Deposit Protection Board

Former Senior Advisor & Partner, Deloitte China

Mr. Quinn LAW, SBS, JP

Independent Non-Executive Director, BOC Hong Kong (Holdings) Limited

Court Member of HKUST

Prof. K.C. CHAN, GBS, JP

Former Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury of HKSAR

Chairman of Board of Directors, WeLab Bank

Management TEAM

Elaine Wong

Ms. Elaine WONG

Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer, Y-LOT Foundation

Member of Advisory Group and Vetting Committee, Cyberport Digital Transformation Support Pilot Programme

Evaluation Committee Member, The Bridge Gap Fund of HKUST

Advisory Member, The Hong Kong Branch of the Southern Marine Science and Engineering Guangdong Laboratory (Guangzhou), HKUST

Mr. Rex TUNG

Chief Financial Officer, Y-LOT Foundation