We aspire. We pioneer. We inspire

We care for a better future.

We are a nonprofit promoting social mobility of our youths and combating the world’s most pressing humanitarian problems by supporting development of frontier science and technology.

Y-LOT Supporting Scientists

Y-LOT supporting scientist: Prof. Becki Yi KUANG – Research on enhancing the performance of mRNA vaccine
Y-LOT supporting scientist: Prof. Zhe WANG – Research on an AI-assisted solution for low-cost high-resolution urban scale environmental simulation
Y-LOT supporting scientist: Prof. Haipeng LU – Research on molecular design for efficient electrochemical reduction of CO2 to Hydrocarbons
Y-LOT supporting scientist: Prof. Yukinori HIRANO – Research on investigating the mechanisms of aging individuality for personalized medication
Y-LOT supporting scientist: Prof. Adrian Hui Chun PO – Research on emergent spacetime from quantum materials
Y-LOT supporting scientist: Dr. Xin Zhao – Pioneer of Translational Regenerative Medicine for Clinical Use
Award winner: Dr. Chi Chiu Lo – Pioneer of “Artificial Coastal Structures”
Award winner: Dr. Yanguang Zhou – Pioneer of “Carbon Neutrality”
Award winner: Dr. Hugo Pfister – Pioneer of “off-centered” black holes

Y-LOT Scholarship Students

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Meet Y-LOT Foundation Scholarship 2022/23 – HKUST Scholars

We are zealous to promote the social mobility of our youths.
We are glad to witness the students’ dedication, hard work, and outstanding achievements on their educational journeys. Their kind words and expressions of gratitude are a great encouragement to us in supporting our youths. 

Y-LOT Supporting Startups

Meat The Next

Pioneering Biotechnology Startup

Hong Kong Science and Technology Park

Super Bamboo

Pioneering DeepTech Startup

City University of Hong Kong

Vidi Labs

Pioneering Technology Transfer Startup

Hong Kong University of Science and Technology


Pioneering Social Impact Startup

Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Allos Limited

Pioneering Biotechnology Startup

Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Albacastor Robotics Limited

Pioneering DeepTech Startup

City University of Hong Kong

Remote Observing from Greenland (ROGer)

Remote Observing from Greenland (ROGer)

Pioneering Space Science Project 

The Chinese University of Hong Kong



Pioneering Biotechnology Startup

The Chinese University of Hong Kong



Pioneering Biotechnology Startup

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University



Pioneering Environmental Science Project 

Microsoft, South Africa



Pioneering Deep Tech Startup

The University of Hong Kong

Luquos Energy

Luquos Energy

Pioneering Environmental Science Startup 

The Chinese University of Hong Kong



Pioneering DeepTech Startup

The University of Hong Kong

Networking Opportunities

SciTech Education


Meet Hong Kong Outstanding Young Scientific Researchers – HKUST

We are thrilled to highlight the pioneering scientific research supported by “Fei Chi En Education and Research Fund”.  These researches have made headway which we believe would bring breakthroughs in our livings. 

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橙新聞 -Y-LOT Foundation 第三屆全球SciTech青年論壇舉行 「MIH 運動科技先鋒計劃」正式啟動

橙新聞 -Y-LOT Foundation 第三屆全球SciTech青年論壇舉行 「MIH 運動科技先鋒計劃」正式啟動

由Y-LOT Foundation 呈獻「第三屆全球SciTech青年論壇:S.P.O.R.T. Infinity」暨「MIH 運動科技先鋒計劃」啟動禮已於11月12日圓滿舉行。論壇匯聚了多位來自政界、科研界、體育界以及青年創新者等眾多領袖及嘉賓,共同探討運動科技的未來發展趨勢,並見證 Y-LOT「MIH 運動科技先鋒計劃」的正式啟動。 Y-LOT Foundation創辦人兼主席, 香港科技大學顧問委員會委員 費志恩先生、香港科技大學首席副校長, 計算機科學及工程學系講座教授, 英國皇家工程院院士 郭毅可教授、全國人民代表大會成員, 創新科技與產業發展委員會成員, 中國香港體育協會暨奧林匹克委員會香港運動員就業及教育部委員會委員 陳曉峰先生, BBS, MH, JP、全國政協委員,香港特別行政區 ...

信報教育 -跨界領袖探討運動科技

信報教育 -跨界領袖探討運動科技

運動科技以驚人的速度發展,改變競技體育的面貌,也是提升運動員表現的關鍵。Y-LOT Foundation早前舉行「第三屆全球SciTech青年論壇:S.P.O.R.T. Infinity」,以「S.P.O.R.T.」(Synergy協同、Possibilities 可能性、Opportunities 機遇、Resilience韌性 and Technology科技)為主題,邀請政商界、創科研界領袖、青年創新者,以及奧運、殘奧運動員,探討現今科技賦能體育界的趨勢、運動科技的創新應用,以及如何提升運動員表現等議題。 Y-LOT Foundation創辦人兼主席、香港科技大學顧問委員會委員費志恩在對談環節表示,運動科技不僅能優化訓練分析,更能為運動員的身心提供全方位支援;對談嘉賓、東京奧運會乒乓球女子團體賽銅牌得主蘇慧音則指,現代科技不僅打破了運動員界限,更為運動員的專業發展開創新機遇。 論壇同日啟動「MIH運動科技先鋒計劃」,以促進各界合作,期望產生協同效應以提升運動員表現和整體福祉。   Link