The Governors of Suzhou Embarked a SciTech Tour to Y-LOT “FEI Chi En Dream Team Open Lab” 中國蘇州代表團到訪香港科技大學 Y-LOT 「費志恩夢想啟航基地」

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The esteemed governors of Suzhou, China, have embarked on a fascinating journey into the realm of Innovation and Technology during their visit to Y-LOT “FEI Chi En Dream Team Open Lab” at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology! Under the visionary leadership of Y-LOT’s Founder & Chairman, Mr. Andy Fei, and the dynamic Co-founder & CEO, Ms. Elaine Wong, this meeting marks the step toward fostering greater collaboration in the development of Hong Kong SciTech field, and a better understanding of the difficulties faced by local students and innovators.

中國蘇州省政府代表團到訪香港科技大學 Y-LOT 「費志恩夢想啟航基地」,雙方就創科研與科技作交流。在 Y-LOT 創辦人兼主席費志恩先生以及聯合創始人兼行政總裁王靜嫻女士的卓越領導下,這次會晤象徵著在香港與內地科技領域合作的一大進展,同時加深了雙方對本地學生和科創者所面臨挑戰的理解。這不僅是一次交流,更是一個促進科技創新和才能培養的機會,為未來的合作奠定了堅實的基礎。

With a mission to foster innovation, the “FEI Chi En Dream Team Open Lab” has become a hub of creativity and progress. 3 Robotics Teams, including the Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) Team, Smart Car Team and Robomaster Team, were invited to demonstrate their innovative achievements in the meeting, the governors were amazed by their outstanding performance. These teams are the Lab frequent users and we are glad they all shine bright at different International Competitions.
