Y-LOT Co-founder and CEO, Ms. Elaine Wong, visited and exchanged with Ms. Dong Kui, Secretary-General of the China Women’s Development Foundation under the All-China Women’s Federation, and colleagues from the Innovation and Technology Department on April 22. They reached a consensus on empowering women and children and promoting innovation and technology.
Y-LOT has always been committed to driving innovation and technology development, with a particular focus on empowering underprivileged children and enhancing digital literacy. The exchange and discussion with the China Women’s Development Foundation have laid a solid foundation for future partnership.
Y-LOT 聯合創始人兼行政總裁王靜嫻女士,於4月22日與中華全國婦女聯合會中國婦女發展基金會秘書長 董葵女士及創科部門同事進行了拜訪交流。是次會面中,雙方就婦女兒童賦能及創新科技發展的合作達成了一致意見。
Y-LOT 一直致力於推動創新科技發展,尤其關注基層兒童的賦能與數碼素。這次與中華全國婦女聯合會中國婦女發展基金會的交流討論,為未來合作夥伴關係奠定了堅實基礎。