Y-LOT Hong Kong SciTech Pioneers Award 2022-23 Pre-Award Workshops 香港創科研先驅獎2022-23 賽前工作坊

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Y-LOT is thrilled to have our advisors Dr. George Lam, BBS, JP, Member of Chief Executive’s Policy Unit Expert Group, Mr. Charles Chau, Partner of Jones Day, and Y-LOT Co-Founder & CEO Ms. Elaine Wong, the Evaluation Committee Member of The Bridge Gap Fund of HKUST, to be the speakers for the exclusive Pre-Award Workshops!

Every speaker shared valuable insights to empower our startup teams in the thought-provoking sessions. Their visionary perspective left us inspired to embrace the power of innovation.

Y-LOT很榮幸地邀請到顧問–特首政策組專家組成員林家禮博士, BBS, JP眾達律師事務所合夥人周致聰先生,以及Y-LOT聯合創始人兼行政總裁、香港科技大學科研實踐基金委員會成員王靜嫻女士,為我們的賽前工作坊擔任講者!



In the workshops, Dr. Lam emphasized the importance of “SciTech for good cause” and encouraged start-ups to pursue impactful causes beyond monetary gains.


Charles showcased his expertise by delving into the legal intricacies that start-ups may encounter on their entrepreneurial journey.

Charles 在工作坊中充分展示出他的專業知識,為初創企業剖釋其創業過程中可能遇到且錯綜覆雜的法律問題。

Elaine delved deep into the Award’s judging criteria and procedure, offering participants an exclusive glimpse into the path to recognition and victory.

Elaine 詳盡解釋了是次獎項的評審標準和程序,讓參賽者更深入了解到遴選獎項的關鍵。