We aspire. We pioneer. We inspire

We care for a better future.

We are a nonprofit promoting social mobility of our youths and combating the world’s most pressing humanitarian problems by supporting development of frontier science and technology.

Y-LOT Supporting Scientists

Y-LOT supporting scientist: Prof. Becki Yi KUANG – Research on enhancing the performance of mRNA vaccine
Y-LOT supporting scientist: Prof. Zhe WANG – Research on an AI-assisted solution for low-cost high-resolution urban scale environmental simulation
Y-LOT supporting scientist: Prof. Haipeng LU – Research on molecular design for efficient electrochemical reduction of CO2 to Hydrocarbons
Y-LOT supporting scientist: Prof. Yukinori HIRANO – Research on investigating the mechanisms of aging individuality for personalized medication
Y-LOT supporting scientist: Prof. Adrian Hui Chun PO – Research on emergent spacetime from quantum materials
Y-LOT supporting scientist: Dr. Xin Zhao – Pioneer of Translational Regenerative Medicine for Clinical Use
Award winner: Dr. Yanguang Zhou – Pioneer of “Carbon Neutrality”
Award winner: Dr. Hugo Pfister – Pioneer of “off-centered” black holes

Y-LOT Scholarship Students

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Meet Y-LOT Foundation Scholarship 2022/23 – HKUST Scholars

We are zealous to promote the social mobility of our youths.
We are glad to witness the students’ dedication, hard work, and outstanding achievements on their educational journeys. Their kind words and expressions of gratitude are a great encouragement to us in supporting our youths. 

Y-LOT Supporting Startups

Allos Limited

Pioneering Biotechnology Startup

Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Albacastor Robotics Limited

Pioneering DeepTech Startup

City University of Hong Kong


Pioneering Biotechnology Startup

The Chinese University of Hong Kong


Pioneering Biotechnology Startup

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Meat The Next

Pioneering Food Technology Startup

Hong Kong Science Park

Remote Observing from Greenland (ROGer)

Pioneering Space Science Project 

The Chinese University of Hong Kong


Pioneering Environmental Science Project 

Microsoft, South Africa


Pioneering DeepTech Startup

The University of Hong Kong

Luquos Energy

Pioneering Environmental Science Startup 

The Chinese University of Hong Kong


Pioneering Deep Tech Startup

The University of Hong Kong

Networking Opportunities

SciTech Education


Meet Hong Kong Outstanding Young Scientific Researchers – HKUST

We are thrilled to highlight the pioneering scientific research supported by “Fei Chi En Education and Research Fund”.  These researches have made headway which we believe would bring breakthroughs in our livings. 

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香港信報 – 組初創研發 夥政府拓商業化

香港信報 – 組初創研發 夥政府拓商業化

蠔殼為原料的人工生態組件曾獲不少獎項,包括由Y-LOT Foundation主辦的香港創科研先驅獎之環境科學先鋒獎。Y-LOT 聯合創辦人兼行政總裁 王靜嫻認為,填海是未來無可避免的發展趨勢,而生態海岸線研究有助改善環境之餘,更具創新及可執行性,惟仍須思考商業模式。 羅智超所屬團隊約一年多前成立初創公司afterNATURE,專攻生態工程產品,包括各種生態磚、潮汐池及防波組件等。團隊與政府合作,在本地不少人工海堤開展實驗及應用。羅智超坦言,研究開始之初並無商業化概念,其後考慮到運輸所產生的碳排放,加上政府部門鼓勵,決心研發自家產品。 王靜嫻表示,不少投資者對afterNATURE技術感興趣,惟對其後續營運模式存疑。她直言,團隊光靠專利收入不足夠,需改進商業模式。她認為,短期內毋須操心團隊運作,包括Y-LOT在內的慈善基金、政府及學校等,都樂意提供支援。 把科研成果商業化是不少科學家面對的難題。王靜嫻指出,她遇過有學者因研究太冷門,在融資時碰壁,最終被迫轉行。Y-LOT希望解決這困境,不吝惜資助一些未見盈利,甚至未取得重大成果突破的團隊,她坦言:「不想再看到優秀的科學家向現實低頭。」 Link   #王靜嫻 #羅智超 #香港創科研先驅獎 #Y-LOT