As we approach the new year of 2025, we are delighted to announce that the Y-LOT “One SciTech One Future III: Code Art Workshop” was grandly launched this September. Numerous local primary schools have joined our workshop, offering students the unique opportunity to experience the fusion of coding and art, explore the power of interdisciplinary knowledge and creativity, and immerse themselves in the charm of S.T.E.A.M. education. Over the years, this series of activities has garnered widespread acclaim from both teachers and students, and this year’s campus classes will continue until June 2025.
These workshops not only equip students with valuable coding skills but also ignite their creativity and self-confidence. Throughout the creative process, students have demonstrated exceptional imagination, skillfully merging coding with art, expanding their thinking boundaries, and fueling their passion for SciTech. This opens up endless possibilities for their future learning and career paths.
Art inspires creativity and promotes self-expression, while SciTech drives progress and provides rational tools. The powerful combination of these elements unleashes boundless opportunities and potential. Y-LOT is committed to inspiring minds and exploring new horizons in education. Let us join together on this enlightening and potential-filled journey, welcoming a bright future for SciTech and witnessing the growth of young creators!
在跨入2025新的一年來臨之際,於今年九月隆重啟動的Y-LOT「One SciTech One FutureⅢ: 編程藝術工作坊」已走進本地多間校園,讓學生們零距離感受編程與藝術的融合,挖掘跨學科知識和創造力的力量,深刻體驗了S.T.E.A.M.教育的魅力。歷年來該系列活動深受廣大師生歡迎,本屆校園工作坊亦將持續至2025年6月。
藝術激發創意,促進自我表達,而創科則推動技術進步,提供理性的工具。這兩者的奇妙結合將釋放無限的機遇與力量。Y-LOT 將持續致力於啟發思維,開拓教育的新可能性。讓我們共同關注這場充滿啟發與潛能的旅程,迎接創科研的美好未來,並共同見證年青創新者的成長!